hen has been sleeping most the day with little activity

this is her status now with poop pic. She had more energy yesterday, but today barely eating or drinking.the Poop is clear watery with white in the middle.

She looks very sick to me. Is there any chance you can take her to a vet? She needs to be inside where it's warm. How much work do you want to do to try and save her?

I am unable to take to vet, but have given corrid in her water. We wake her and convince her to drink and feed her scrambled eggs.
She isn't eating much and her crop is empty. I noticed the other three have scaly leg mites. She did, but it doesn't appear she has anymore. I put petroleum on their legs.
She isn't eating much and her crop is empty. I noticed the other three have scaly leg mites. She did, but it doesn't appear she has anymore. I put petroleum on their legs.

As in petroleum jelly? I recommended vaseline to a friend whose chicken had severe leg mites and it worked really well.
I heard the state will look at sick chickens, how do I contact them? I live in columbus ohio
I took stool sample to vet and they said no internal parasites. When I come home she woke up a little. I took her out to the pen and she walked around and ate a little. She is still a little sleepy, but she's not staying in one place for long. Do you think she is overcoming whatever made her sick? Should I put her inside a little longer?

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