Hen has limp neck and lethargic


Aug 9, 2019
Central Wisconsin
My 2 yr old hen came back to the coop with her head down and really weak.
I don’t see any injuries but the fox did get another hen the same day. Shock?
I been keeping her separate. Today she did eat and drink but still keeps head down. How long should I wait? Thinking we should cull her.
No poop today, she ate very little yesterday. We are about 36 hours into this. I gave the hen sugar water, vitamin B, Vitamin E and selenium. She ate scrambled eggs but very little. All while keeping head down like her neck is broken or weak. She doesn’t make any noise when I move her. No sign of injury or bite marks. She is a healthy weight and will stand on back legs but always with her head down. This happened right after fox attacked another bird.
We do both free range and fenced run. Fox is getting bold I was outside with them when it happened.
Could she have wry neck?
I will read up on it! Is wry neck when they look upwards and are stuck? She is looking down- and just hangs her head like it is injured or weak.
Could be? The big concern is it happened right after attack so I thought shock. I do not see any bite marks to suggest neck injury from an attack.
I searched online what to do- so she is in a quiet place resting.
Trying to get her to drink a few times a day. I put her in the sick kennel by the other hens and she seemed more disturbed- she was cowering in the corner. So back to her luxurious suite in the house.
I will read up on it! Is wry neck when they look upwards and are stuck? She is looking down- and just hangs her head like it is injured or weak.
Could be? The big concern is it happened right after attack so I thought shock. I do not see any bite marks to suggest neck injury from an attack.
I searched online what to do- so she is in a quiet place resting.
Trying to get her to drink a few times a day. I put her in the sick kennel by the other hens and she seemed more disturbed- she was cowering in the corner. So back to her luxurious suite in the house.
Wry neck was just a thought, I'm not sure if that's what she has. Keep keeping her in a quiet place in the house, giving her sugar water, the vitamin B and E, and selenium and see if she improves. I'll tag some more knowledgeable people and see if they can give you more advice. @azygous @Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive
Poor girl!

She may have suffered injury. It's up to you to determine if she's in pain/misery to the point of putting her down.

Wry Neck is a neurological symptom, some common causes are injury, disease and vitamin deficiency.
Keep her hydrated and eating. I'd give the vitamin therapy. 400IU Vitamin E, B-Complex and egg for selenium.

It's very hard to know if she will recover or not. Some chickens, given time and support can make a full recovery, it all depends on how badly she's been injured.
Poor girl!

She may have suffered injury. It's up to you to determine if she's in pain/misery to the point of putting her down.

Wry Neck is a neurological symptom, some common causes are injury, disease and vitamin deficiency.
Keep her hydrated and eating. I'd give the vitamin therapy. 400IU Vitamin E, B-Complex and egg for selenium.

It's very hard to know if she will recover or not. Some chickens, given time and support can make a full recovery, it all depends on how badly she's been injured.
Okay, I will read up on this.
Never culled a chicken before- is there a kind way to do this?
I will give her some time before we do that though. Giving her lots of vitamins and water. She ate some today but not very much.
Looks like it could be wry neck. It can be caused by shock among many other causes. It can present in many different ways. Looking down and walking backwards are a couple in addition to the classic star gazing.

It hurts nothing to treat as @Tookie and @Wyorp Rock suggested.
She does walk backwards! Wow this is all new to me. What an odd thing.
Wry neck was just a thought, I'm not sure if that's what she has. Keep keeping her in a quiet place in the house, giving her sugar water, the vitamin B and E, and selenium and see if she improves. I'll tag some more knowledgeable people and see if they can give you more advice. @azygous @Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive
Thank you for your help- learning lots today!
And I appreciate the tagging of others.
The more we do this the more we learn.
It is helpful to have a plan of action -

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