Hen has red skin on back

Morning Dove

11 Years
Oct 13, 2008
Eastern Shore MD
I'm pretty sure my roo is the cause of this, but one of my hens has lost most of the feathers on her back and her skin there is red and enflamed. Or is this normal for molting? How do I treat this? I don't have a camera, sorry!

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It does sound like it's from your Roosters mating behavior. And it's true that you need to get some more hens for him so he divides his time between multiple girls and thus, hopefully doesn't hurt them so much.

You can also try 'saddles' for your hens since you don't have so many. That will protect their backs from him.

You could rehome your Rooster or keep him separate for a while until the younger girls grow up; thus giving him more girls to 'date'.

You will want to keep a close eye on her, if she starts to bleed (and even if she doesn't, the other hens may start to feather pick that area making it even worse. You will then have to separate her and treat the area.
Thanks! I looked up the saddles and my mom and I are going to try the no sew pattern I found here at back yard chickens.

I'm not planning on breeding any more hens this year, I already have 8 cockerels that I'm planning on butchering in April, and I just have no place to raise more chickens until they are in my freezer.


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