Hen has sour crop and impacted crop!!! She has lost weight!!!!!

Absolutely! It may even help to push through the remainder of the impacted grass material.
Hurray!!! Also... I've seen people suggesting flushing the sour crop with an Epsom salt solution BEFORE starting yeast infection medication? I've already started her on the Miconazole. :/
Oh also at this stage do you guys think it would be okay to give her grit? She hasn't eaten any in a few days because I was under the assumption no solid food meant also NO solid grit. lol
I'm sorry that you and your girl are experiencing the same problems. 😔 But stay strong and keep hope!!!!!! ✊🤗 Keep up the oil massages, try a stool softener like they (the article posted above) said, try yeast infection medication. We owe it to our girls to keep trying!!!
When one of mine had an impacted crop, the oil didn’t help at all!! I tubbed 30 cc’s of warm water, then massaged to break it up. After trying oil for 4 days without results, the warm water only took two treatments and it was gone. Being full of water might have been her way to flush her crop. Did her crop contents stink?
When one of mine had an impacted crop, the oil didn’t help at all!! I tubbed 30 cc’s of warm water, then massaged to break it up. After trying oil for 4 days without results, the warm water only took two treatments and it was gone. Being full of water might have been her way to flush her crop. Did her crop contents stink?
TBH, I couldn't tell if the oil helped our hen either. The logic made sense to lubricate the crop and it'll help things move through. But we think the massaging helped more than anything. I'll see if she'll be interested in warm water! Also yes her crop contents stink really bad. The first time she up-chucked on my roommate it was the worst according to him (glad I wasn't there to smell it!) And yesterday she spat a little and even THAT was bad!!! It smells insanely bad, like nothing I've ever smelled before. :lol:
Hi guys, do you think it's okay to treat the yeast infection (sour crop) with ONLY Miconazole? I'm seeing other articles suggest using anti-fungal medicine too.
Grit is an important item to include in treatment of impacted crop. It won't hurt for sour crop, but it isn't going to have a direct effect.

Miconazole is an anti-fungal med and very effective, low cost, easily available without a prescription in most places, especially the USA.

People get confused about feeding during crop treatment. If the issue is impacted crop where the crop is already stuffed with solid food and other organic matter, putting more food into a chicken isn't going to help matters. Giving food to a chicken with sour crop is okay as long as it's low in carbs as sugars feed Candida.

I've found that a chicken with impacted crop will usually drink a lot of water and turn down food, while a chicken with sour crop will eat food, but turn down water. This is generally. Individual mileage may vary.

If in doubt as to whether or not to feed a chicken with a crop disorder, offer foods such as dry feed, boiled egg, or yogurt, make water available, and let the chicken decide if and when she wants to eat and drink.
How is your current girl doing? Did you find out what's wrong with her?
She has laid two lash eggs, not a good thing longterm for her but because one was shell remnants and the other quite small I am keeping my fingers crossed she will recover long term, I lost a chicken last year with the same thing months after laying the egg even though she carried on as normal. Blodwyn was much better yesterday and even roamed the garden with the other two eating grass and looking for bugs but not energetically scratching like she normally does and not interested in any treats. I am putting antibiotic powder in her water just incase there is an infection in her reproductive system.
How is your girl doing now. Isnt it a worry when they are not well. Think my husband is fed up on my running commentry on her poops, whats she is eating and doing etc 😂
Blodwyn, she is the plymouth rock, feeling a little better, tail feathers up and not so fluffed out:love


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Grit is an important item to include in treatment of impacted crop. It won't hurt for sour crop, but it isn't going to have a direct effect.

Miconazole is an anti-fungal med and very effective, low cost, easily available without a prescription in most places, especially the USA.

People get confused about feeding during crop treatment. If the issue is impacted crop where the crop is already stuffed with solid food and other organic matter, putting more food into a chicken isn't going to help matters. Giving food to a chicken with sour crop is okay as long as it's low in carbs as sugars feed Candida.

I've found that a chicken with impacted crop will usually drink a lot of water and turn down food, while a chicken with sour crop will eat food, but turn down water. This is generally. Individual mileage may vary.

If in doubt as to whether or not to feed a chicken with a crop disorder, offer foods such as dry feed, boiled egg, or yogurt, make water available, and let the chicken decide if and when she wants to eat and drink.
Thank you SO so much!!! 🥺❤ You and the community have been a tremendous help with Courage's recovery. I've never had a sick chicken before, so this was a huge scare for me. Especially when one night she looked like she was on the brink of death.

Courage is doing a lot better now. We think she's had sour crop for a while, because she'd lost weight and now has pendulous crop. But we've fitted her with a homemade crop bra until her fancy one comes in the mail. And she's very happy to be back on her chicken feed. 😊 We're keeping up with the 7 day Miconazole treatment. Fingers crossed!

Also, I imagine there's tells for when a chicken no longer has sour crop. Does the bloating go down, along with the liquids inside? The squishiness. And the hen probably won't smell so sour anymore?
She has laid two lash eggs, not a good thing longterm for her but because one was shell remnants and the other quite small I am keeping my fingers crossed she will recover long term, I lost a chicken last year with the same thing months after laying the egg even though she carried on as normal. Blodwyn was much better yesterday and even roamed the garden with the other two eating grass and looking for bugs but not energetically scratching like she normally does and not interested in any treats. I am putting antibiotic powder in her water just incase there is an infection in her reproductive system.
How is your girl doing now. Isnt it a worry when they are not well. Think my husband is fed up on my running commentry on her poops, whats she is eating and doing etc 😂
Oh wow, I didn't know lash egg was a THING until you said it! 🤯 I got kinda worried when I saw those photos you posted... I'm happy to hear Blodwyn is doing better!
LOL I feel the same with my roommates! 🤣 For the past week they've gotten an earful from me too. They are definitely happy though. Also Courage is doing a lot better!!! She's a LOT more lively than before we started treatment. She is officially back to being a two-people-needed chicken when we medicate her! 😆

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