Hen has white fluid coming from vent-HELP!!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 28, 2010
Fort Wayne, Indiana
My 1 1/2 year old Golden Comet has white fluid dripping from her vent, and her bottom area is messy. Her vent appears protruded at times and she is eating less than usual. When she does poo, it's very small. Could she be eggbound? What do I do about this? She has been like this since yesterday morning and I am very worried. We don't have a vet in the area who will look at chickens. HELP!!
You could try soaking her bottom in warm water. if white stuff is coming out, she may have a cracked egg inside, which is not good. For starters, try soaking her bottom. keep her isolated so you can see if she is laying/eating/drinking/pooping normal.
Thank you- as soon as I get off work, I am going home and I will soak her bottom in warm water and isolate her. I'll keep you updated:)
Does she smell funny? Kind of rancid, sick, soury smell. Abnormally stinky poo?

My girl had Cocci and had the runny white poo and an extremely dirty bottom. She also couldn't keep her wings up - they kind of hung down. And she got very lethargic. I bought powdered medicine from Fleet Farm for cattle. I administered 1 tsp to gallon water to my whole flock for 5 days.

Check out this web site to see if you can figure out what she's got: http://www.chat.allotment.org.uk/viewtopic.php?t=17568
Well, I checked her vent for an egg to see if she had an egg in there- couldn't feel one. I gave her a warm soak for 20 minutes; she dozed off. I applied hemmoroid cream which she didn't like at all- I won't do that again! She ate warm oatmeal last night. I have isolated her. She seems ok this a.m. but still has white fluid dripping from her vent and is still prolapsed. Do you think she could just be prolapsed and not egg bound if she has white stuff dripping out? If so what do I do about that? I tried pushing it back in, but it popped right back out. Should I give her another warm soak tonight and try to push it back in? I also rubbed some vegetable oil on her vent if she by chance is eggbound, but I'm sure that doesn't help the prolapse stay in. What should I do now? She seems alert, but her tail was down this a.m. on her roost. Thanks for all the advice! Also could it be Cocci? Her poo seems normal but very small, she is just dripping the white stuff when she doesn't poo. When I soaked her last night, a lot of the white stuff went into the water and it seemed semi-cheesy.
I am thinking infection... Have you tried antibiotics in the water... I would give that a go.
If that is the case---what then????

Don't know if it happens in every case, but my girl had a broken egg in her, we noticed she was lethargic, was part of the egg, pulled it gently out. Gave her a warm bath, and we though she was going to be ok. next morning, she was gone
Could she possibly have an egg in her, broken or whole, that I didn't feel? I am just so worried about her- I checked her this a.m.- she was cheeping softly and looking around on the roost we put in her temporary quarters (Isolation), but her tail is down. She seemed ok.....She has had this since Sunday morning....I'm so sorry about your hen.

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