Hen Heaven

i've been having problems getting my babies in at night. it's been cold these past few evenings/nights & i needed to put them in before dark since it was getting so cold. it's been a wrestling match. tonight it will be much warmer & i can hold off till dark to see if they will put themselves to bed. i sure hope so.
Made some changes to Hen Heaven. Was not happy with the way the roof drained rain so I changed the pitch of it and braced it every 2 ft to prevent in sagging or low spots. After completing that i did not like the look of it so I re-trimmed the whole top with cedar and redid the front trim to look better. It turned out very nice and just used cedar fence boards and alot of wood I had around so the cost was minimal. Thanks for looking and always open to feedback.

i like how open air it is. i've been working on my ventilation. my coop is inside a hoop house. the coop's upper half is hardware cloth on two sides. i need to beef up the air flow. i have a fan in the coop & today i put a fan in the doorway of the hoop house directed out so as to pull heat from the building at night. hope this will be sufficient. it gets hotter than hades here in the summer.
It seems to be working well. My only concern is the location is right between the 2 houses and it can get pretty warm on the South side of the house so I am going to keep an eye on them this summer for being to warm. We do let them free range around the backyard most of the day, everyday. I just put an IP camera in the run so I can keep an eye on them.

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