Hen hides in corner of coop

If you've been feeding them layer ration, switching back to a starter or a flock raiser feed might do the trick to getting her back to health, in addition to treating her for parasites.
If you've been feeding them layer ration, switching back to a starter or a flock raiser feed might do the trick to getting her back to health, in addition to treating her for parasites.

And to avoid confusion, some feed suppliers do not differentiate between starter and flock raiser feed, so I usually just say "starter feed".
And to avoid confusion, some feed suppliers do not differentiate between starter and flock raiser feed, so I usually just say "starter feed".

Great, thank you! I cannot tell you how helpful everyone has been!

Would it be ill advised to mix the duramycin and safeguard with the proper dosages into water (not together) and then use a syringe to administer orally to the sick hen? I could sit with her a do a drop at a time but I really want her to get some relief quickly.
It should be fine to mix whatever meds you need in the water simultaneously, and vitamins/electrolytes/probiotics as well.

Definitely apply the meds directly to the sick hen. You may be able to put them on some bread and get her to eat them which is preferable, because you can push water into their lungs if you're not careful. You may want to look at Kathy's "tube feeding" guide first, even if you decide against tube feeding, since there are diagrams on chicken anatomy that can help you get the liquid down the throat, and not in the lungs (the trachea is in the center, don't get liquid in there).
It should be fine to mix whatever meds you need in the water simultaneously, and vitamins/electrolytes/probiotics as well.

Definitely apply the meds directly to the sick hen. You may be able to put them on some bread and get her to eat them which is preferable, because you can push water into their lungs if you're not careful. You may want to look at Kathy's "tube feeding" guide first, even if you decide against tube feeding, since there are diagrams on chicken anatomy that can help you get the liquid down the throat, and not in the lungs (the trachea is in the center, don't get liquid in there).

I used a little dropper and would put it near her beak in my hand and she would drink it. Her eyes were completely crusted over when I got home! She let me soak a wet paper towel on them to get it off. Reading through different forums and links she shows symptoms of 4 different illnesses: Newcastle, bronchitis, coryza and laryngo. Treating her with Duramycin and hoping for the best!!
I used a little dropper and would put it near her beak in my hand and she would drink it. Her eyes were completely crusted over when I got home! She let me soak a wet paper towel on them to get it off. Reading through different forums and links she shows symptoms of 4 different illnesses: Newcastle, bronchitis, coryza and laryngo. Treating her with Duramycin and hoping for the best!!

Zowie, I didn't recall that Newcastle caused curved necks like that. The totality of the symptoms do match fit with Newcastle Disease. Although the bird could have wry neck, bronchitis, and coryza, that seems like a long shot.

Are you in the USA? I don't think Newcastle exists in the USA currently is why I ask.
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Zowie, I didn't recall that Newcastle caused curved necks like that. The totality of the symptoms do match fit with Newcastle Disease. Although the bird could have wry neck, bronchitis, and coryza, that seems like a long shot.

Are you in the USA? I don't think Newcastle exists in the USA currently is why I ask.

Oh, really?? I am in CA. That's a relief. Newcastle is a long shot or coryza?
Oh, really?? I am in CA. That's a relief. Newcastle is a long shot or coryza?

I meant to say it is a long shot that the bird would come down with three diseases simultaneously, or at least I would think so. But once their immune systems are weakened you never know I guess. It is frightening how close the symptoms are to Newcastle.

Where did you get these birds? Are any others showing signs of illness besides mites? Did you message those experts, Kathy and Eggcessive? Hopefully they will comment here, because all I know is second hand from reading, and they deal with a little bit of everything.
Oh, I see. I don't think she has all of those, I just meant I can't tell out of those 3-4 because they all share similar symptoms. How many days will it take to start seeing some sign of improvement after giving her the Duramycin in her water?

I believe the store gets their chickens from Mexico - where/who from specifically I do not know. The others are fine and really only one is showing signs of mites but she is missing SO many feathers we figured it would be best to treat them all as well as the coop. I did talk to Eggcessive but not yet to Kathy, though I've read through several of her posts. Eggcessive, and everyone here has helped me out so much, I can't begin to tell you guys. Even though there's no way for anyone to tell what is specifically wrong with her, all the little bits of info and advice have been a blessing. :)
Well keep us updated please. I'm worried about you loosing the flock. What did Eggcessive say?
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