
Nov 18, 2023
My hen had an egg break inside her. At the vet ER all the yolk and egg white came out leaving a strand of membrane in her vent. I took it out but it broke off. She slept, and woke up with a lot of energy. However after I gave her antibiotics and a bath she became extremely lethargic. She won't move and keeps closing her eyes while standing. Her breathing is fine. I gave her a little bit of a calcium citrate pill in water and she drank it. Should I just wait or should I take more action?

She poops what looks like egg white/mucus, with a little poop matter in it. One time it was a little green. Shes in a warm small room with towels, food, water, and a crate she can go into.

I'm scared of losing her. What should I do. My other threads have gotten little replies so I am at a loss. Any help would be appreciated.
You don’t need to start a new thread each time about the same hen. You only need to post again to move it to the top of the forum. I would not give her any more baths or soaks, but just let her rest. Offer food and water often. Hopefully she will feel better soon, but hard to know exactly what is causing this. Reproductive disorders can be chronic. Here are your other threads for others to catch up on the background:



You don’t need to start a new thread each time about the same hen. You only need to post again to move it to the top of the forum. I would not give her any more baths or soaks, but just let her rest. Offer food and water often. Hopefully she will feel better soon, but hard to know exactly what is causing this. Reproductive disorders can be chronic. Here are your other threads for others to catch up on the background:



Ok, I understand. This is a different hen from the EYP hen I have. This one started showing symptoms immediately and was 100% fine two days ago. I’ll wait for her to sleep a bit
You don’t need to start a new thread each time about the same hen. You only need to post again to move it to the top of the forum. I would not give her any more baths or soaks, but just let her rest. Offer food and water often. Hopefully she will feel better soon, but hard to know exactly what is causing this. Reproductive disorders can be chronic. Here are your other threads for others to catch up on the background:



Sorry for the messages. She is no longer after treats unless I bring them to her face. In other words, she doesn’t move. What is this and why did it happen right after I gave the antibiotics?
It is hard to know why she is not moving. It may just be because of her illness and condition. Did she swallow the medication without acting as though she was gagging or choking? Hens can be very weak when they are passing a broken or soft egg. She may perk up, but she may be very sick. Unfortunately we are not vets here. We can only give you suggestions. I would offer fluids and food and let her rest. I’m sorry that she is not doing well.
It is hard to know why she is not moving. It may just be because of her illness and condition. Did she swallow the medication without acting as though she was gagging or choking? Hens can be very weak when they are passing a broken or soft egg. She may perk up, but she may be very sick. Unfortunately we are not vets here. We can only give you suggestions. I would offer fluids and food and let her rest. I’m sorry that she is not doing well.
She did not choke and she even drank a little water and ate some grubs after.

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