Hen is broody and I want to hatch and raise the goslings naturally - what do I need to do?


Apr 28, 2020
Cemtral Texas
I have a female dewlap tolouse that has for around 3 weeks sat on eggs. I've candled a couple and they appear to be developing. I wasn't sure they'd be fertile because I've never witnessed my gander mate with her, but I guess it happened. I was sick and my husband has been taking care of the birds, so I'm not sure exactly how far along the eggs are, but judging by the size of the air cells they seem to be pretty far along, and my hen seems pretty faithful in sitting on her eggs.

I would like to have my hen hatch and raise the goslings herself. I have only ever hatched and reared ducklings and goslings inside and away from adult birds, so I'm not sure what measures I need to take to ensure the goslings will be successful.

My ducks and my pair of geese are housed together. Do I need to separate the geese and goslings from the ducks? Will the ducks try to harm the goslings? My gander pretty much rules the roost and I believe he might be capable of protecting his family, but I just don't know for certain.

How do I ensure the goslings receive appropriate nutrition? I feel like my other birds will just eat up any starter feed I give them. I assume I will need to give them a small water dish.

What other measures do I need to take to ensure the goslings are safe from predators? I will be covering the lower portion of my fence enclosure so the goslings can't squeeze through the gaps, but I'm not sure what else I might need to do.
Your geese will fiercely defend any goslings that hatch. Eggs generally hatch around day 35.

When you hear them peeping you can put food and water close. They will come out to eat and drink and the goose will generally stay by the nest for a week or so before beginning to move away. I use an 8 inch clay pot bottom for food as it doesn't tip over, and a regular gallon waterer.

You can put a bit of fencing around them if you want to keep the ducks out of the food. Dog exercise pens work nice for a temporary enclosure. You may need to just expect everyone to eat the starter. I like Purina flock raiser.

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