Hen is Limping with No Visible wounds

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Yep, I see her limping. She does look like she's getting a lot of attention from the rooster. Get your hands on her and examine her closely. Examine each toe and work your way up the leg to her hock and hip. Move the leg around and feel/listen for a crunchy sound. Look for wounds, too This could be a case where the rooster has traumatized her back by over mating her.
I didn’t think very often, our rooster isn’t really the chasing type… Her back hasn’t grown feathers back since we got a bad rooster, but we got rid of him a long time ago. I just thought she might have not molted yet.
I didn’t think very often, our rooster isn’t really the chasing type… Her back hasn’t grown feathers back since we got a bad rooster, but we got rid of him a long time ago. I just thought she might have not molted yet.
I'd examine her more closely as @theoldchick suggested and do observe to see if the new rooster is harassing her.

I've had hens injure/sprain legs by running into fencing (saw it happen), avoiding roosters, etc. It does take time to heal, even if you cage them. I'm one to just bandage legs for support and let the hen self-limit activity unless she's in a lot of distress and being picked on.
The limping could be from something else, but the way she moves reminds me of what I've seen due to injury.

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