hen is not pooping not going to make it through the night

ok so i figured out how to pm speckledhen...cool ty! Nick ...do u know how to drain?
You just stick a sterile needle in her to let the fluid out, if you have one; you can get them at the feed store. If you don't have one it's pretty hard to come up with a substitute as it's both sterile and hollow. This might relieve some of her discomfort but would not cure her.

I'm afraid there is probably not much you can do for her but keep her comfortable, anyway. Sorry to say that. I'm afraid that whatever is going on in there probably couldn't be fixed, even by a vet.

Speckledhen is not on line. To PM some one, go to the blue bar at the top of the page, click on userlist, type in their name, scroll down for the ling to sending a PM. Or if you are looking at one of their posts you can just click on PM on the left of the post under their name.

It might be time to think about ending her suffering. If you can't do that, or don't want to, there is nothing wrong with that. I'd put her in my bathtub wrapped in a bath towel, or some similar arrangement, where she'd be warm and as comfortable as I could make her.
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ok so where do i stick the needle? Right into the skin? My husband is a diabetic. I'm sure those syringes would do fine. I dont really understand the anatomy of a chicken...going to look it up now. She is sitting on my lap right now. I renig on my comment about being lythargic....i think she is exhausted. I held her in the water bath to give her a break from standing and she seemed to really like it. She wrapped her little feet around my fingers. It was cute. When she feels good though she doesnt want anything to do with me so i know she is reallly sick.
Wow, I really respect you for trying to make this hen better!

I really hope she makes it!

I had a similar experience with an eggbound pullet, then she laid a broken egg and has never laid since, but she is my "Lucky" and she stays, even if she isn't laying.

Warm thoughts and best wishes for a full recovery for your hen!
Just wanted to say thanks to you all. I know that i appear to be scatter brained. that will teach me to wait till i have a problem to learn how to work this site LOL. I am still unclear as to wether this is something she is going to prehaps recover from. If it is a egg problem is it lethal? Is the fluid in her tummy common with egg bound issues? Do i have to drain that for her to recover? My plan is to let her go for the remander of the night and give her another bath tommorrow. I will start to uderstand her a little more after observing her inside( eating drinking pooping) I feel really bad that i havent done something sooner but as i said before, I had 2 sick chickens and lost 2 ,2 weeks ago and diagnoised it as that cocstate stuff (sp?) I gave the 2 sick hens cordin and quarritined them. they both got better but this one took a turn for the worst so i thought it was the same stuff...that was before i picked her up and noticed the liquid in her belly(that was not there before). I'm embarred that i didnt calmly state all of this before but i was in survival freak out mode! thanks to everyone and Merry Christmas
Unfortunately, she may be egg bound and starting to prolapse, or have gunk in her oviducts and they twist up so the egg can't pass, or the egg isn't in a good position to come out--hard to say, really, which it is. A Golden Comet is a high production layer and at 2 years old, she is at the prime age for them to begin those issues. If she is full of fluid, she probably has egg peritonitis and the body is filling with fluid. Sadly, she probably won't make it, and I don't want to give you more hope than is warranted.

You just stick a sterile needle in her to let the fluid out, if you have one; you can get them at the feed store. If you don't have one it's pretty hard to come up with a substitute as it's both sterile and hollow. This might relieve some of her discomfort but would not cure her.


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Well i have made a decision. If she has not passed by morning, I am going to have my husband take care of it in the morning. As far as i can gather this is a cronic problem. If i cant cure her, my belief is to relieve her suffering. I will do anything in my power to help a creature of god have a chance at a health future. I dont want to prolong it. i thank you all for all your wonderful help. I am a bit embarrassed looking back on all my messages and how frantic and irrational i sounded : ( Anyways thanks alot

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