Hen is puffy and acting weird


Nov 13, 2020
Upstate New York
This is Buttercup. She was hatched on September 4 2020. Today she has been wanting to do nothing but sit. So far this has only been going on for today. She normally doesn’t sit on me, she used to but grew out of it so to speak. Recently she has become a favorite of my light Brahma rooster. I think it’s because she doesn’t say no. I’m wondering if she’s just stressed out or if it’s something else. She on occasion lays soft shelled eggs. Increasing her calcium has helped with that though. She eats flock raiser with oyster shell on the side. I’m mostly worried about how puffed up her back feathers are. I bought her a saddle and it should arrive next week.
She could be ill, as fluffing feathers can show chill from illness.

Or...she may be contemplating brooding. They will sit and fluff for that.

If she wants to sit in a nest, then she's brooding.

If she stands huddled in a corner, not wanting to interact, she is ill.

My thoughts.
She may be having trouble passing an egg. Does her abdomen feel swollen?

You can gently massage her to see if you can help her pass an egg if she is egg bound.

Also putting her in a warm bath with epsom salts helps.

It looks like a soft shell egg trying to pass to me from the pics.

She probably has passed most if not all of it if her abdomen feels normal.

Just watch her. If she repeatedly has trouble with egg binding, there could be some internal problems such as inflammation or infection that is causing trouble.


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