Hen is wobbbly and unable to walk?? (Update)


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 15, 2011
(Final update)

For those who may fnd this thread with the same problem: Good news! With time and a well bedded straw (and some physical therapy) the hen eventually got better. We now suspect some sort of anyrism or other brain issue. She still walks a bit funny and can't fly properly, but she's back with the flock. We tried several nutritional supplements and various home cures, none seemed to make a difference. Just looks like she needed time and a bit of help to learn to walk again.


She's been better the past few days. Open up the stall so she has the whole space. Builds up more momentum but the walls aren't causing as much damage as the wire mesh. Manages to stand/sit by herself, although very wobbly when she does so. Looks like having the space to move is helping. She still does the gaspy thing, but only when carried or right after being put down. I think I'm just holding her a bit too firmly when she struggles...


After the cat incident she started to deteriorate to the point where she could only sit up on her hocks. She would try to stand now and then- resulted in a slapstick-esqe running sideways until she would fall over completely and stuggle to get herself upright. Still in good weight, still looking alert. Well, slighty less alert then before but I have a feeling that has more to do with banging herself up then with being sick. Took off a bit of the tip of her beak and has bruising on the front of it. Probably lots of aches and pains all over fron the tumbles.

Recently she started objecting to being carried and making very gapeworm like motions with head/neck. There's nothing visible, and a swab always comes up clean. (3x) I don't want to treat her for something that she doesn't have because of the stress it could cause. What is the likelyhood that worms could be causing a balence issue?? There's also a bit of slightly orange/rust under her nostrils, and one throat check I noticed a bit of mucus. I don't know if that's unusual turkeys.

As of today she is a little better. Able to stand for a miniute or so (wobbly) and manages to stay up a little longer when 'falling.' Actually managed to stop today without falling! The only thing that's changed is a switch in the brand of electrolytes. From what I can see the ingrediants seem the same though. I'll double check tonight... after I find my glasses. She's been getting more sun and exercise too now that the weather warmed up.

Before anyone asks, no we do not have a local vet who will work with birds. Nearest one is a city vet (Parrots) who charges an arm and a leg for a consult.

A few weeks ago two of our turkeys started acting odd. Both 3 mo, the first was a tom who was dead lame on one leg. He was confined for 3 days and was well enough to rejoin the flock after that. I suspect the he injured himself jumping down from the roof. (Yes we have tried to keep them off the roof. No, it doesn't work)

The hen looked like she was limping at first, but instead of getting better, got worse.

By day three she was having difficulty staying upright. Honestly the best way to describe her is 'drunk.' She crosses her legs when she turns and constantly trips herself. Has to use her wings to balence, and has fallen over a few times when trying to move about. Other then that she's alert, bright eyed, eats and drinks, no discharge from anywhere, ect. She does shiver though. First I noticed when she soaked herself falling in the water bowl. I gave her a heat lamp and she's fine but unless she's under it she shivers slightly. We did just have a major temp drop though, I don't this she got a chance to adjust at all. She has been in the same condition for a week and a half, no better no worse.

She's still quarentined and confined in a small cage so she spends most of the day lying down.

Any ideas what the heck is wrong? Disease? Injury? Can she come out of quarentine? With the way she is now she could probably free range with the others, but I don't want to risk getting anyone else sick, or making her injury worse, if that's what it is.
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I had a hen die with very similar symptoms. Pathology told me it was e.coli infection that got out of hand and spread in her body.
E.coli? That doesn't sound like it bodes well...

Were there any other symptoms? It's a real pain to try and find anthing that isn't related to human cases...
sometimes birds can get e.coli when they are in a weakened state. ie another illness or just lowered immune system. it's often referred to as a common secondary infection in chickens. my vet told me its one of those random things where most birds could fight it off. symptoms started with her moving slower, and using her wing to balance herself when she walked. bird lost weight. after a month, she couldnt jump up to get into her shed. she died and I took her for necropsy. the vet told me I might have been able to stop it with an anti-bacterial drug but its hard to say. but with my bird it just got worse. ecoli infection can be treated easily and I wish I gave her a strong anti-bacterial before she died.
Sorry about your girl.

So far this one isn't showing any signs of being 'sick' per say. If it is e.coli I guess I'll have to hope she can fight it off herself.
Well, a feral cat managed to fall into the stall last night and couldn't get out. From what I found in the morning he spent the night terrorizing her. She's in a small cage in the stall, so he didn't touch her, but it looks like the stress really did a number on her.

Standing is looking like it's difficult, it doesn't look like she can keep her balence at all. She keeps her neck tucked in now too. When she does stand her wings droop towards the ground.

She looked like she as going to be okay for a while there. Now it doesn't look good.

If anyone has any suggestions for things I can do, medications, natural remedies, anything at this point.

She's on 21% feed (soy free) and is getting a vitamin/electrolyte mix in her water. I toss her a handful of greenstuffs in the morning. She does have a heat lamp. I don't have much of an arsenal of antibiotics, but if there's something I can pick up at the local feed store I will.
Seriously-the others are right in mentioning e. coli. I'm fighting it right now and have lost 2 birds so far. 3 others are being treated (anti-bacterial injections). It sounds just like what she has. There's nothing "natural" you can do and nothing over the counter. She needs injections. The vet sends me home a week's worth of the antibiotic (ceftiofur) with each new sick chicken along with dexamethasone and Vit B injections.
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Updated first post. Anyone have any Hail Mary cures they can suggest?

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