Hen is yelling, can anyone diagnose? (Video)


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 30, 2014
East Central Missouri
My Barred Rock has been 'yelling' since yesterday. She is at least 5 years old, but is eating, scratching, pecking and other normal hen behavior (except laying, which she hasn't done much of for a while). Other wise she is acting normally.

Can anyone tell me what might be wrong with her? She caws like this every couple of minutes. Thanks in advance!
We had a hen that did this for a while. She was around 2 when she started. she was still laying at the time. No idea why so I am no help but just thought I'd say you are not alone.
Has it been real hot where you live? Sometimes the heat can make birds to breathe heavily causing strange breathing noises. Also, I once had a Black Australorp that stopped laying and started crowing. I didn't have a rooster in my flock for quite some time, so I guess she figured she might as well be the rooster. Needless to say I culled her. I'm not sure, but your hen might be attempting the same thing. All you can do is observe her for now and see if she stops 'yelling.' Here's a thread that discusses changes in sex, see post #13 for an explanation:
Has it been real hot where you live? Sometimes the heat can make birds to breathe heavily causing strange breathing noises. Also, I once had a Black Australorp that stopped laying and started crowing. I didn't have a rooster in my flock for quite some time, so I guess she figured she might as well be the rooster. Needless to say I culled her. I'm not sure, but your hen might be attempting the same thing. All you can do is observe her for now and see if she stops 'yelling.' Here's a thread that discusses changes in sex, see post #13 for an explanation:

It's been pretty warm, but not as hot as it gets here later in the summer.

I do have another rooster and was recently given two young banty roosters by a friend that can't have roosters in town. Maybe she's trying to maintain her dominant status. She's always been THIC (top hen in charge). Or maybe she's just getting old and losing her mind.

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