Hen Keeps Sqawking

Regarding a very noisy and vocal hen, there is nothing wrong. They simply love to hear the sound of their own loud voice. I have a couple of those.

The opposite is true of a normally vocal hen who becomes mute. Sick chickens don't feel like talking.

And tail down, silent, especially facing a wall or corner of the run, indicates a sick chicken.
My Daisy is a "talker", she's always squawking about something. She's healthy, happy and was our first to lay. I figure it's just her personality. As long as she seems healthy, I wouldn't worry.
I've checked her, the coop, and nest box. Her tail is perked up like the rest of the girls. Is it because she's looking for a place to lay or could it be something bad?
She is probably trying to scout out a place to lay her egg. I think she will be ok . Just keep an eye on her.

My Barred Rock, 6 months makes an irritating squawk and I don't know why she is not clucking happily as I give them a variety of foods to eat. Also, my Buff Orp has one small black retina eye and one regular size. I wonder what caused this, genetic anomaly?

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