Hen keeps yelling everytime it sneezes


Aug 29, 2020
Las vegas, Nevada
One of my blue laced red wyandotte hens has been yelling everytime it sneezes. Ive been trying to apply vetrx to her face but nothing seems to be working. Is there another solution or am i applying vetrx wrong?
Odd. She probably has a sinus infection. I only no how to treat it with VetRX. Check to see if her nose has something in it. Dose she get bubble in her eye when she is sneezing
One of my blue laced red wyandotte hens has been yelling everytime it sneezes. Ive been trying to apply vetrx to her face but nothing seems to be working. Is there another solution or am i applying vetrx wrong?
Can you check her crop to make sure it's emptying overnight?
Have you looked inside her beak for lesions/yellow pasty material?
How odd. It sounds like when my birds get hiccups. If you listen closely to her breathing can you here her? It will seem slightly raspy. She may be allergic to something. Had a baby who was allergic to pine shavings. She never showed signs until 7 months. So it may be that.

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