hen laying on her right side / wing


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 13, 2011
is this normal? she walks / runs fine when she is laying on her side she is eating still and picking around, no limping or anything like that. just want to make sure is fine.
when I first saw this behavior it scared me to death! here was my girl laying on her side neck stretched out legs kicking! I almost had a heart attack! as I continued to watch in horror I saw her flipping and flopping over then I realized what was going on. she was enjoying herself. whew what a relief that was ! it can be very scarey when you first see it! that's for sure! but now you know what to expect. it makes them very happy to do this behavior. I wish you the best.
does she do this all the time?
mine do that when they are " dust bathing" or sometimes they will just lie their for a little while and take their time preening and organizing their feathers
My chickies like to flop over on their side from time to time. Especially to sun bath. I have one who from time to time even tries to flop over on her side and lounge up on the roost. Silly girl. As long as she is still healthy and normal otherwise she should be fine. I remember the first time I saw one of my girls all flopped over, eyes closed I thought omg. But turns out its just really comfy.
Mine do this before/after/during a good roll in the dirt. If the sun is bright, they'll just lay like that all "road-kill" in the yard for some time, just soaking up the sun.
I was worried the first time I saw it too. >_<
No one tells you all the strange things to expect when you buy your first chicks.
One of my older silkie hens was doing this yesterday during the few seconds of sunshine we had.

It freaked me out a little since she was in the back of the chicken run by herself and had one foot stuck up in the air. She was enjoying it so much that she didn't notice me walking up and standing over her. I realized she was alive about the time she realized I was standing there. Pretty sure I came close to giving the poor thing a heart attack
DO NOT WORRY! I freaked out to when I first saw this. You know when turtles and other reptiles lie out in the heat or sun? Kinda same for a chicken. They like to have one wing out to soak up the heat and usually will stand and flop to other side to do the same. They are just chillin.

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