hen not right this morning


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 3, 2013
Hi guys I am new here but need some advice!
Went to let my hens out just now and one is really slow, just hopped out the coop and now sitting next to the water just drinking, she looks really puffed up, didn't want to eat out my hand which is unusual. Any ideas what this might be? Got 3 hens only had them a week and all been pretty lively so far. The other seem ok. Thanks guys
Went to check hens an hour later and seems to be some wet bloody patches in the bedding, doesn't look like its coming from the hens back end as feathers are clean, had to leave for work so couldnt do anything. Anyone got any clue? Thanks x
Welcome to the site!

If she doesn't want to eat, it's usually for the best to let her have a little fast. A day won't hurt a chicken at a normal weight. If she's underweight though, this is not advisable.

First off, this could be coccidiosis, so if you think her symptoms match that, it may be best to treat for that to start with.

I would put her in a small cage with water available. Putting some source of electrolytes in the water is probably advisable.

Puffing up generally indicates nausea or pain. This is generally a pretty serious symptom. What color is her face? Is it like the others, or pale? Droopy comb/wattles? What do her poops look like? Is her crop hard or firm or soft, full or empty? I would check her crop and general condition asap. If this is an impacted crop, that possibility needs weeding out before you try administering medicines.

Here are some links to sites which may help diagnose what she has. Some are on an arbitrary page, so just have a look around and see if anything else on the site describes what she looks like and acts like.
Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: Those bloody wet patches you mention could be coming from her vent even if her feathers are clean but with a hen looking so down and seeing blood in the cage, a careful inspection is necessary to locate the source of the blood.

Best wishes.
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Sounds like cocci. Purchase Corid 9.6 liquid solution at your feed store, it'll be in the cattle section. Dosage is 9.5cc's per gallon of water for 5 days. She might not drink it due to her sickness. Then you'll have to give it to her via eyedropper about 6-7 times a day until she can drink on her own.
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Thanks for the response guys, just called the guy I bought them from, he seemed to think that giving them a tonic would not be entirely necessary as they are only 17 weeks old and not laid yet? I have no idea about these things so good to get everyones advice. Definitely the symptoms described on those links above sound very similar. As said before I am currently at work and concerned that I have not seperated the hens, will the others catch the illness?
Thanks for the response guys, just called the guy I bought them from, he seemed to think that giving them a tonic would not be entirely necessary as they are only 17 weeks old and not laid yet? I have no idea about these things so good to get everyones advice. Definitely the symptoms described on those links above sound very similar. As said before I am currently at work and concerned that I have not seperated the hens, will the others catch the illness?

As Dawg53 already stated,sounds like Coccidiosis. Cocci is a parasitic infection of the intestinal tract,spread by droppings which get into feed/water via droppings. Most birds have some cocci in their small intestines,only becomes a problem if they have an overload/outbreak,then we medicated to bring it back under control. leading cause of deaths in chicks,kills very fast,but is easily controlled with medication. Can be spread by birds,bringing it into your area on your own clothes/shoes/hands,etc. Some symptoms are runny/watery poop(may or may not contain blood,depends on which of the 9 strains it is)fluffed feathers,lethargic,not eating/drinking properly,general look of unwell. Dawg53 gave you the dosage information for Corid 9.6% liquid the dose for Corid 20% powder is 1 tsp per gallon of water,treat ALL chicks. You can add warm medicated water to feed(so it resembles oatmeal)chicks love this and is easier for the frail ones to eat,plus you have the added benefit of knowing they are getting the meds even if they are not drinking as well as they should.
Sounds like cocci. Purchase Corid 9.6 liquid solution at your feed store, it'll be in the cattle section. Dosage is 9.5cc's per gallon of water for 5 days. She might not drink it due to her sickness. Then you'll have to give it to her via eyedropper about 6-7 times a day until she can drink on her own.

X2 get the Corid in them ASP, cocci kills fast.
Thanks for the response guys, just called the guy I bought them from, he seemed to think that giving them a tonic would not be entirely necessary as they are only 17 weeks old and not laid yet? I have no idea about these things so good to get everyones advice. Definitely the symptoms described on those links above sound very similar. As said before I am currently at work and concerned that I have not seperated the hens, will the others catch the illness?

Probably coccidiosis or worms. Get some Corid or Amprol and treat ASAP.


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