Hen or Roo? Jersey Giant or Australorpe?


11 Years
Oct 5, 2008
Madisonville, KY
I got this chicken as a 4-5 week old chick but and it was born in july. Itsfeet had yellow bottoms, so I think it is a Jersery Giant. Am I right? I had thought for sure it was a hen However I have an overload of roos and today I saw it picking on one. Now I'm not sure as it was going about it pretty agressivly. Is she just bossy or do I have yet another roo? She isn't crowing but they are slow to mature so it still could be a male. Here are a few pics:



Is it the same bird in each pic? Because it LOOKS like it is...if it is then I say pullet.

If the bottom of the feet are yellow then YES! Jersey Giant! If they're white...then you could have Australorp or Orpginton.

I have issues discerning between Orp and Austr.
Yes, those are several pics of the same bird. I just wanted to cover all the bases and show the comb, wattles, body shape, etc.

I guess she's just really assertive! Good to know she can put the roos on the run when she wants.
Sounds like you have a cock-beater. I LOVE those birds! You can use them to show the young cockerels who are a little TOO excited how to act around hens.

Love them!

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