Hen or Roo? (Yeah, I know everyone ask's this)


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 23, 2010
Colorado Springs, CO
Ok, I know this has been asked before, but we are noob's! We have 5 Silver Laced Wyandotte pullets and have watched them grow for the last 9 weeks. We are almost done with the coop outside. We can plainly see that one of them has virtually "no comb" (see pics) while the other 4 have small combs coming in. I read somewhere (can't find it now) that said Wyandotte Roo's would get comb's way later than Hen's.

I need some input....THOUGHTS?

Comb very visable

Another pic of bomb very visable

No Comb! Is this a Roo?
i thought wyandottes had a pea comb ( like your last pic) ... i dunno what is going on w. the first two pics--but then again-- i am no expert on wyandottes.

beautiful bird,btw... last one is DEF a hen!
It is a bit common, especially in hatchery birds, to get an occasional single comb. I believe the first one is a pullet anyway. If you could show a pic of the body of the second in question, I could probably give you a better guess, but I am thinking that one is a pullet as well.
I am praying that more than one are hen's. My wife wants eggs and we will have to start again with pullets (or find some local birds)

This is another shot of number 1 and 2 (same bird)


This is another shot of number 3


Her is an all together different bird, similar to the first bird with the comb.


Here is all 5 girls together in the brooder space

I don't know about anyone else but I'm more interested in seeing good sideways body shots, to see if there are saddle and sickle feathers growing in, over pics of their combs. I find the feathers an easier way to tell roo from hen with chickens.

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