Hen or Roo?

here you go. I got both of them in there.

dusting themselves

Julius (Top)

Big Momma or Big Daddy? Front Julius behind
Hoping I have a pair here. I want to raise some of these big girls for meat as well.

All of your "Reds" appear to be pullets. I don't see any pointed hackle or saddle feathers, nor any sickle feathers. They will be laying soon, as the combs are large and red.
I know 2 of the 3 have laid eggs. Little Red is laying. She was the first to lay an egg. I'm not sure which of the other 2 have laid an egg. I think only 1 of the Americana has so far. I'm watching like a kid at Christmas time. I just was surprised that the others have not started laying yet but they should be very soon.
It looks like they are all hens. The first ones are Easter Eggers. Basically an Ameraunana mixed with just about any other type of chicken. They are all very pretty girls. Your reds are very handsome, but do appear to be all girls. I agree with Wyandottes7! Nice flock!
Thank you. They are spoiled. I think my neighbor is a little weird-ed out by how much I let them hang with me outside. I'm momma hen with all her chicks following behind. LOL Fighting and squawking for my attention all the while.
It is all for the best that they are all hens. My husband is liable to shoot me if I have all these roosters. I would like to get a New Hampshire red roo though. They look like they will be good dual purpose chickens. My husband keeps eyeing Big Momma saying 'she sure would look good on a rotisserie. It won't be my initial flock. I am rather attached to my starters.
I just need to find me a couple white crested black polish hens for my handsome fella. Unfortunately we lost our little T.T., his mate. It really was sad but now that my dog and the chickens have learned to trust each other, Shadow watches over my kids.:yiipchick

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