Hen or Roo

That bird is definitely a male. I don't see how everyone sees hen. Yes, it does have dark colored feathers, and typically with a barred rock hen, that is the case. However, this bird is a mixed breed, so there's no telling what the color may be on a mixed bird. Its comb definitely indicates cockerel, and so does its lack of tail feathers. It is a young rooster.
Lack of tail feathers indicate a roo? Hmm... I have barred rocks. I know this is a mix but it looks like a hen to me. The color for one but my barred rock roo had tail feAthers. Not like this one with no tail feathers. Now granted they weren't long but it had tail feathers none the less. But I am new to this. I've only got a year of handling chickens. So my opinion is just that... Opinion. I wouldn't bet the farm on it or anything.... Lol
This looks like a hen to me. The color appears to be more dark with lighter bars typical of a pullet.
Just an fyi--this bird isn't a pure barred bird--only one parent was barred. So, you can't go by color as males and females both are going to be this darker color.

But I do think it's female...just not for that reason.
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