Hen or rooster?


8 Years
May 27, 2015
North central WA
We got this chicken thinking it was a hen but now we aren't too sure. We got 3 hens and one rooster, and for some reason the rooster was beating this one up pretty bad. I had to remove the rooster. This one has not layed an egg while the others have been laying since we got them. What do you think? Also what breed?



The comb is very hen like, but there appears to be spurs on the legs. I would guess it was a low-class rooster, though it could just be a hen that was originally the leader of the flock and so took on a rooster like appearance.
How old is this bird?
It has spurs, and since spurs take a good bit of time to grow, so if it is as old as I think it is, you've got a hen. It's not uncommon for hens to have spurs. Body type says hen, feathers say hen, and comb says hen.
The hen looks like a Rhode Island Red (Production type) and it's possible that she's just very old, if you got them all as adults. That would explain both the size of the spurs and the lack of laying, possibly even the rooster's hostility towards her.
Sorry to jump in on this thead but I'm concerned. I got a NH red chick 14 weeks ago. All was good. But today I heard what sounded like screeching coming from the coop. When i investigated I saw it was coming from this chicken. Is it a roo or a hen. I'm praying for hen that is raking a lead role as i dont have any roos at present plus my neighbours will be upset with a crowing roo no matter how many "peace" eggs I offer them.



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Sorry to jump in on this thead but I'm concerned. I got a NH red chick 14 weeks ago. All was good. But today I heard what sounded like screeching coming from the coop. When i investigated I saw it was coming from this chicken. Is it a roo or a hen. I'm praying for hen that is raking a lead role as i dont have any roos at present plus my neighbours will be upset with a crowing roo no matter how many "peace" eggs I offer them.


Sorry. Its a rooster.

My New Hampshire Rooster, Smaug
Judging by the length of the spur, the chicken is over a year old and by that time the roosters would definitely be crowing, taking interest in hens, and have pointed saddle, hackle, and sickle feathers, so it is definitely a hen. The feather damage on her back looks like it's from your rooster mating her too often. That sort of feather damage will often happen if the rooster has under ten hens. If she isn't currently laying, she will be very soon judging by her comb size.
Sorry to jump in on this thead but I'm concerned. I got a NH red chick 14 weeks ago. All was good. But today I heard what sounded like screeching coming from the coop. When i investigated I saw it was coming from this chicken. Is it a roo or a hen. I'm praying for hen that is raking a lead role as i dont have any roos at present plus my neighbours will be upset with a crowing roo no matter how many "peace" eggs I offer them.




Sorry, with all this pointed feathers and comb size at only 14 weeks, it is definitely a cockerel.

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