Hen or Rooster/?


6 Years
Aug 21, 2013
Ok, I have a dumb question. My wife and I have 8 chickens and have raised them from chicks. We have 3 bantams (1 rooster and 2 hens) and 3 Americauna hens... Or so I think.. One of the hens looks

and acts like a hen but has the characteristics of a rooster. I'm almost convinced that what I have is a masculine hen.. lol.

Any ideas on helping me clearly identify?

Not a dumb question. I'm still learning myself
It does look like a roo to me based on the large red comb and wattles and the pointy hackle and saddle feathers.
I am wondering why your posts count says 0 though...?
Thanks for the reply. I guess I'll wait until she/he either crows or begins laying... lol

I am new to the site and appreciate any and all information
That's a rooster all the way. See those long, pointy feathers that drape down from his neck and in front of his tail? Those are hackle and saddle feathers, respectively, and being long and pointy like that is the hallmark of a rooster.

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