Hen pale comb lethargic in molt


6 Years
May 9, 2013
Hi all,

One of my 7 mo buff orpington hens came out of the coop this morning with a very pale comb and she is acting lethargic, usually she is quite bossy. She doesn't seem overly interested in food and water like she normally is first thing in the morning. She ate fine yesterday and seemed to be behaving normally from what I can recall. Everyone else appears to eating/acting normal. They are all definitely going into molt as there are feathers all over the coop and some of the birds look pretty patchy. I have been giving supplemental protein (BOSS and live mealworms).

The only new thing in the coop is that I recently introduced two ducks which are contained in a smaller pen within the coop. The ducks are showing no signs of illness and nor were any of the birds where I got the ducks.

I know there are other threads on similar illnesses but none of the authors reported back on what was actually wrong with the birds.

Thank you for all your help!!!
I have the same problem with a five year old barred rock hen. No ducks. Hard molt, sudden pale and slower, a bit thin. Whole flock is getting supplements during this hard molt. I figured it was because she was a runty chick and is now five years old.

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