Hen pasting up?


In the Brooder
Feb 14, 2015
Northern Michigan
I have a hen. She has lived her just over a week. I don't know much about her other than she is missing quite a few feathers. She is moving in with our 2 chicks soon. She didn't lay an egg the first day she was here. She laid an egg the next day. The day after that she laid a HUGE egg with a wrinkle on one end, and the next day she was sitting on a broken egg( that was last Wednesday) She has not laid since.( a whole week) Today I checked her bum ( a daily thing since she's new) and she had poo caked on. I cleaned her up in some warm water. Question is..... Besides apple cider and keeping an eye out, what can I do to help her settle in? Should I be concerned about the lack of laying?
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Probiotics can help with poop issues. I'd keep her quarantined for at least two more weeks to both monitor any egg laying and health issues and keep your existing flock safe.
You could also try some yogurt or cottage cheese in moderation...and put out some oyster shell for her if you haven't already. That should take care of the probiotics and calcium issues with the eggs. Check for mites on the feathers - or the feather loss might just be from something at her previous home. Be patient with her and give her some time to get settled in and good luck with her!

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