Hen saddles/saver?


11 Years
Nov 15, 2008
How well do these work/stay on? I have a golden cuckoo hen that is getting pretty "worn" on her lower back and I don't want any problems. My rooster (BCMarans) is a BIG boy, he's gentle but his size is enormous. He's got 12 hens to himself, but my Goldie seems to be his favorite

Where is the best place to order hen saddles from?
I ordered mine here on BYC from someone who makes them. There was some still listed for sale in the "all other stuff for sale" section. It worked for the hen that I had that was being picked on by other hens. It also seemed like at first it kinda scared the other hens away from her, so she stepped up a rung in the pecking order of the other chickens.
They work wonderfully! At least mine do. I order mine from a non-byc member, though. I just ordered 4 more from her on Friday. She does excellent work and the saddles are VERY well made. It's her business, so the quality of her saddles has to be good. PM me if you'd like her info.
If you have the choice, get the double strap ones that crisscross across the breast. My girls are houdinis at getting the single strap ones off.
I bought the actual hen saver ones. They protect my girls wonderfully and wash well. They are stiff enough that they cover very well and the roo didn't dislodge them during the sharing of affections
. I chose them partially because there was no wait, the bycer was booked at that time.
I ordered 2 from her!
The price was great! Hopefully I get them soon, I have another hen that is getting too much "love" and is starting to lose feathers
I'm having to seperate the 2 of them from the rest of the flock each morning, but they are loving getting to free range all day!
For the hens who will keep them on, they work perfectly. For those who won't (unfortunately, the majority of mine) they look cute scattered around the chicken yard!!!

I'm going to either have to try the ones which attach across the breast (which I've heard freaks out some hens) or try to figure out how to segregate a few of my gals or the guy...

It is so strange that some of the gals almost wear them proudly while the others will NOT tolerate them!!!

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