Hen separating herself, not eating, yellow poop with some blood and LOTS of plant matter

Hello! My 15-month-old barred rock has been gradually declining the last few days. Today is the first day she will not eat out of my hand, and she has not come off the roost from last night. Comb is still a good color, eyes are bright with no discharge, but poop is runny and yellow with LOTS of plant matter in it. I have searched the internet and haven't found an answer to her specific symptoms, so I thought I'd check here.

The last two days she would eat her feed out of my hand if I mixed it with water for her, but today she won't. She feels too light. Her droppings the last 3 days have been getting increasingly yellow, and last night there was a little chunk of blood in one, but they're also full of greens. Grass and clover from their yard. I thought maybe coccidiosis, even though no other birds seem sick and I've never had a chicken come down with it before. But I'm willing to treat her for it if I should, just not sure I can get her to drink the medicated water. Also, I usually treat my hens for worms using safe-guard for goats once a year, just in case, but I haven't yet this year. ‍♀️

I'd like to help my girl. Anyone know why she'd eat so much plant matter but no feed? And the greens she is pooping seem not well broken down even though she has ample grit. Sick chicky. Hm...

Thank you!
Side note: I kinda feel like a dolt for forgetting to mention this, but I lost a different bird a few months ago. She was an 8-year-old Easter egger with a history of spotty laying, and I had a feeling something reproductive might get her, so I watched her pretty carefully year to year. One day she was slightly less energetic, so slight that I didn't even flag it, then the next day she put herself to bed early (should have flagged that!) then fell off the roost dead during the night!:( She had similar yellow poo, but also a yolk-like substance leaking from her mouth. She became a mess seemingly overnight. I did a rushed first-ever necropsy (having very little idea what I was doing, fyi) because I was so sure she was an internal layer, and what I found was a hen just starting up laying for the year with lots of little yolks ready to go, but none built up in the wrong places or anything! Could have been acute peritonitis for all I know, but I am still baffled by that one.

I immediately locked all the other birds out, bleached the hen house and water dishes, etc, and no other bird showed any signs of illness. Dunno. Weirdness over here. Thanks again for all the advice and I'll post an update when I have it.:hugs
Side note: I kinda feel like a dolt for forgetting to mention this, but I lost a different bird a few months ago. She was an 8-year-old Easter egger with a history of spotty laying, and I had a feeling something reproductive might get her, so I watched her pretty carefully year to year. One day she was slightly less energetic, so slight that I didn't even flag it, then the next day she put herself to bed early (should have flagged that!) then fell off the roost dead during the night!:( She had similar yellow poo, but also a yolk-like substance leaking from her mouth. She became a mess seemingly overnight. I did a rushed first-ever necropsy (having very little idea what I was doing, fyi) because I was so sure she was an internal layer, and what I found was a hen just starting up laying for the year with lots of little yolks ready to go, but none built up in the wrong places or anything! Could have been acute peritonitis for all I know, but I am still baffled by that one.

I immediately locked all the other birds out, bleached the hen house and water dishes, etc, and no other bird showed any signs of illness. Dunno. Weirdness over here. Thanks again for all the advice and I'll post an update when I have it.:hugs
Sadly, reproductive disorders are common.
It can seem a bit odd if you have more than one get sick or lose them in a fairly short period of time. Reproductive problems can strike at any age and any time, it's frustrating for sure. I you happen to lose this sweet girl, you may want to investigate further again. Take some photos and we will try to help you with what you see.

You may find the video in the first post of this thread helpful. She talks about reproductive problems. Cyinthia is a BYC member/educator.

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