Hen separating herself, not eating, yellow poop with some blood and LOTS of plant matter

Oh yes, and that's another thing! She's been laying beautifully but stopped around when her other symptoms started, maybe sooner. It does not feel like there is a backlog of eggs in her, and it doesn't look like egg material is coming out, so it didn't seem like internal laying or a broken egg inside her. It seems digestive by her symptoms. ‍♀️
Well, with internal laying I don't think anything would come out. The yolk material basically deposits inside the body cavity. I'm really hoping it is just digestive and she has stopped because she feels sick. Reproductive issues are what get most hens in the end (if not predators), but she's just started laying, so I hope it wouldn't be that already.

@Wyorp Rock @casportpony @Eggcessive @DobieLover @Texas Kiki
Direct drench (syringing it straight into her mouth) in addition to the Corid water to drink is to mix 1/2 teaspoon Corid powder with 2 teaspoons water. Give 0.34 ml per pound of weight orally once a day for 1-3 days.
Oops, my feed store only has liquid Corid in stock, but they say the directions on back are pretty clear as to dosage
Oops, my feed store only has liquid Corid in stock, but they say the directions on back are pretty clear as to dosage
The direction an the back are for cattle, not chickens.
The chicken dose is 2 teaspoons per gallon for 5 days, then 1/2 teaspoon per gallon for 7-14 days.

If you want to give it orally too, give 0.1 ml per pound of body weight orally once or twice a day for 1-3 days.

The direction an the back are for cattle, not chickens.
The chicken dose is 2 teaspoons per gallon for 5 days, then 1/2 teaspoon per gallon for 7-14 days.

If you want to give it orally too, give 0.1 ml per pound of body weight orally once or twice a day for 1-3 days.

I will be giving it directly since she is not down by her waterer, so this is just what I needed, thank you!
You can apply the undiluted liquid Corid to her mouth in a dropper. However, coccidiosis is contagious, you may want to treat your whole flock. Oh and, I don't think bread is good for chickens. Try boiled or scrambled egg or tuna.
Thanks. I give bread exclusively for medicine because it gets it in, but I will try the egg for nourishment!
Well, with internal laying I don't think anything would come out. The yolk material basically deposits inside the body cavity. I'm really hoping it is just digestive and she has stopped because she feels sick. Reproductive issues are what get most hens in the end (if not predators), but she's just started laying, so I hope it wouldn't be that already.

@Wyorp Rock @casportpony @Eggcessive @DobieLover @Texas Kiki
Yep, she doesn't feel heavy enough for internal laying. I hope she perks up and kicks this thing! Thanks.

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