Hen separating herself, not eating, yellow poop with some blood and LOTS of plant matter

15-month-old barred rock has been gradually declining

has not come off the roost from last night.

poop is runny and yellow with LOTS of plant matter in it

Her droppings the last 3 days have been getting increasingly yellow, and last night there was a little chunk of blood in one, but they're also full of greens. Grass and clover from their yard.

Also, I usually treat my hens for worms using safe-guard for goats once a year, just in case, but I haven't yet this year.

I checked crop last night and this morning and it felt about the same, slightly squishy like there was a little bit of water, and maybe a little bit of plant matter in there.

She's been laying beautifully but stopped around when her other symptoms started, maybe sooner.
Photos of the poop would be helpful.
You mention her crop was about the same this morning as it was last night, so it did not empty completely correct?
She also stopped laying when you noticed symptoms, maybe a little before that.
I would try to get her hydrated. Direct drench with the Corid won't hurt her, but I would also make the mixed Corid water available to drink as well.
It does sound like a crop issue, but often times that is a symptom of something else going on - blockage, infection, worms, coccidiosis overload and reproductive disorders are some common underlying conditions that cause crop issues.

I would cage her so she's not eating more grass and clover. Provide her with the Corid and do your best to get her drinking. I would also give her 1 tsp of coconut oil and massage the crop - see if you can feel if there's a mass of fibrous material in there (grass?). I would limit her eating, give her a bit of wet feed, but if the crop is moving slowly, then you don't want to add too much to it (plenty of fluids is fine).

Since she's not laying, she may have a reproductive disorder. Not every hen is going to have bloat or fluid in the abdomen.
Work on the crop and get some poop photos for us. Keep us posted.
Photos of the poop would be helpful.
You mention her crop was about the same this morning as it was last night, so it did not empty completely correct?
She also stopped laying when you noticed symptoms, maybe a little before that.
I would try to get her hydrated. Direct drench with the Corid won't hurt her, but I would also make the mixed Corid water available to drink as well.
It does sound like a crop issue, but often times that is a symptom of something else going on - blockage, infection, worms, coccidiosis overload and reproductive disorders are some common underlying conditions that cause crop issues.

I would cage her so she's not eating more grass and clover. Provide her with the Corid and do your best to get her drinking. I would also give her 1 tsp of coconut oil and massage the crop - see if you can feel if there's a mass of fibrous material in there (grass?). I would limit her eating, give her a bit of wet feed, but if the crop is moving slowly, then you don't want to add too much to it (plenty of fluids is fine).

Since she's not laying, she may have a reproductive disorder. Not every hen is going to have bloat or fluid in the abdomen.
Work on the crop and get some poop photos for us. Keep us posted.
I just went out to get her weight for the Corid and she had come out and was lying by the water bowl drinking. But she seems to have at least temporarily lost the aibility to stand once she made it to the water dish. She just stayed collapsed while I took her weight, and she's a little under 3 lb, too light. The only poop she's giving now is hard to tell from the picture, but it's just basically yellow paste.

I just checked my eggs in the fridge and I think she stopped laying at least a couple of weeks ago, so maybe it is reproductive??

The crop was almost empty last night, and she did poop out greens during the night, so it doesn't seem like an impaction, it's just a little bit squishy and feels like there's not much / nothing in it.
Can you feel inside her vent for an egg just to make sure there's not one stuck?
If she's lethargic, I would not soak her, place her somewhere quiet and relatively warm.

Sometimes hens with reproductive problems can temporarily become lame/not stand due to a mass pressing on the sciatic nerve.

As for the Corid, it won't hurt her, that would be up to you whether to give it to her or not.
Blood can be from a number of things - Coccidiosis, enteritis, worms, infection are a few. Sadly, the poop, to me, looks like reproductive problems, but she may have more than one thing going on - sometimes a weakened system allows other conditions/illnesses to take over.
Can you feel inside her vent for an egg just to make sure there's not one stuck?
If she's lethargic, I would not soak her, place her somewhere quiet and relatively warm.

Sometimes hens with reproductive problems can temporarily become lame/not stand due to a mass pressing on the sciatic nerve.

As for the Corid, it won't hurt her, that would be up to you whether to give it to her or not.
Blood can be from a number of things - Coccidiosis, enteritis, worms, infection are a few. Sadly, the poop, to me, looks like reproductive problems, but she may have more than one thing going on - sometimes a weakened system allows other conditions/illnesses to take over.
Thanks so much for the help. She made it from her water dish to where she's been resting the last few days, her safe place. Here is a poop she just made.
Her comb IS actually pale compared to her other ladies, and she's very sleepy, but still holding her head and tail up when awake. Not looking good, but still trying!

Oh, and I did not feel an egg, but she does feel extra warm inside to me...
You can try that to see if it makes a difference. Do you have powder or liquid (injectable)?

She just got excited about cooked egg with electrolytes in it, but could only handle a few bites before losing her appetite again. Her comb looks more pale now, something I hadn't noticed before, but she's still grooming herself. She's always been a fighter!:love

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