hen setting for long time

I have a pair of Black Copper Marans and the hen has set once before and I found her and didn't know when she started or went to set . After a few weeks after I found the nest I checked and they were pretty bad, so threw away.
After a break for her she started laying again so i thought I would keep track...
There you go
How did you know eggs were really bad if you couldn't candle?

Marans eggs are hard to see into....best bet is super bright flashlight in a very dark room, room without windows is best.
This thread reminds me of the story about the schoolteacher who went to a farmer to find out the proper term for when the hen is trying to hatch eggs. She asked whether the hens were sitting or setting. The farmer`s response?
"I just want to know whether they`re laying or lying!"


Back to topic: You are in good hands with PD-Riverman and aart and Kikisgirls. And bobbi-j and Ridgerunner and Lazy Gardener.
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OK it has been 10 days, how much longer should I wait??
Should I just pull the eggs and put in incubator?
My suggestion that was helpful to me is to watch the "you tube" on the development of chics during incubation and it will show you what to look for at different times of development when candled.

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