Hen sleeping (and pooping) in nesting box


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 24, 2012
Since the temperatures dropped a bit (I'm in NJ) my 2 out of 3 of my hens have stopped laying, which I expected, but the one who is still laying eggs has been sleeping, and therefore pooping in the nesting box. Any tips on how to stop this behavior? Thanks!
I would block the boxes at night so that she can't sleep there, and open them back up in the morning. After she sleeps on the rooster for a week or so it should be her new routine.
The best solution is to block the nest off before they go to roost, you can unblock it after they go to sleep. I have an EE that was starting to do that blocking the nest put a stop to that. Now I have another one starting to do it.

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