Hen stopped laying.


Apr 21, 2015
I have 6 hens who lay everyday. For a week now I only been getting 5 eggs. Everyone seems happy. What is going on??? The young, about 40 weeks old. Help please!
Do they free range?
Might be laying out in range area.

Any of them sitting on a nest all day and night?
Might be broody.

Any changes in housing, feeding, predator issues?
Change causes stress, which can stop laying in some birds.

Any of them acting off, not eating, not drinking, not pooping normally, not as active as usual?
Might be sick.

Is it really hot where you live?
Hot weather can stop laying.
Yes they are all free range. None are acting weird. Nothing I know of has tried to get them. It's hot but normal for Maine. they have plenty of access to water. There all running around happy.
Yes they are all free range. None are acting weird. Nothing I know of has tried to get them. It's hot but normal for Maine. they have plenty of access to water. There all running around happy.
You might try keeping them confined for a few days to a week to see if she is in fact still laying and re-establish the habit of laying in the coop nests.

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