Hen to Rooster Ratio For Dixie Rainbow


In the Brooder
Apr 20, 2021
How many Hens should I keep with a Dixie Rainbow Rooster? I bought a straight run of 7 and it's looking like 2-3 of them are Cockerels. I plan to only keep one of the Roosters. But how many Hens should be with the one Rooster? Do the Dixie Rainbows need 6 or 10 hens to be happy. I know they are bigger birds...
If you are new to chickens and don't want a male for procreation, best to have none.
There's no magic number for male to female ratio.

The 'rooster' to hen ratio of 1:10 that is often cited is primarily for fertility efficiency in commercial breeding facilities.
It doesn't mean that if a cockbird has 10 hens that he won't abuse or over mate them.
Many breeders keep pairs, trios, quads, etc ....short term and/or long term.
It all depends on the temperaments of the cock and hens and sometimes housing provided.
Backyard flocks can achieve good fertility with a larger ratio.

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