Hen to Tom Ratio?

OK, so I'm pretty new to turkeys, this is the first year that we've had them. I purchased 15 of the "heritage special" from Cackle. I received a mix of Bourbon Reds and Royal Palms. We've had a terrible predator problem which has been solved by adding a couple of Great Pyrenees mix dogs to our place. Out of the 15 I ended up with 5 toms and three hens. I plan on keeping the three hens (2 palms and 1 red). Of the toms I have one nice sized palm and one nice sized red. Would it be too much for just three hens to keep the two toms?

I've been trying to find more heritage hens in my area, but I haven't been successful. I hope to hatch some chicks out of this group next year.
Second year at this Turkey raising racket. I have 13 Hens and One Tom. White beltsvilles. Had 25 in total and processed the rest. Probably should have kept another Tom but so far so good as I have 15 hatched so far. I hope nothing happens to Tom and he can keep up. I only am looking for a few more to hatch as I am on a very small scale here. My 6 Rhode Island Reds are a lot less work and very personable. My 2 cents, Thanks

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