Hen with 2 deep cuts and bald spot on back


Free Ranging
17 Years
Aug 16, 2007
Southern Indiana near Louisville, Ky
I'm suspicious of the rooster cause she screams when he chases her...normally I just see him mount her and then gets off so I can't imagine it being caused by him. They are both 10 months old. I have two other chickens but one is very old so I kind of keep her away from him during the day. But I really don't think it is him...I mean she is very bald in this spot with two gashes that I sprayed Vetericyn on. I had to take a picture of her with one hand so it's not the best but does anyone know what is causing it. I am including two pics although not the best like I said.

I forgot to say it's really worse that the picture shows. I can't imagine how the deep gashes got so far down on her back. The rooster is huge and she is small, although they are from the same hatch....I've seen him tug on the back of her head but she did scream when he was chasing her.

And thank you.. I named her Bella cause her feathers are lovely...
He's a bit young, and lacks experience, so it could be from him. It could also be from the other hen. Just keep an eye out. Put plain neosporin (NO PAIN RELIEF) type ointment on the wounds to prevent infection. They'll heal. You might want to get a file, and blunt the toenails on your chickens. That will help too.
Ouch! Poor girl. Cleaning with Veterycin is good, followed by some antibiotic ointment. Blu Kote will keep other hens from picking at the wounds (they are attracted to the color red) but don't use it if the wounds are deep. You can also either purchase or sew a chicken apron to protect her back from the rooster and/or hens.
Put duct tape on the roosters spurs to prevent further injuries. That’s what I do and it works wonderfully because my hens were getting gashes too.
Keep the wound clean and put neosprorin without pain killer on the cuts, and do saline rinses. The skin should heal on its own without stitches or glue.
I’ve been thru quite a bit of this so if you have any more questions don’t hesitate to ask!
My chickens are very gentle. One is a polish chicken and the other one is 11 yrs old approx. and she stays in a stall all day cause she doesn't care for the rooster. I let her out when I come home from work. The other 3 counting the rooster are in an indoor run 10'x30' with lots of things the chickens can hop up on. I clipped the chicken's wings cause they were getting out (to avoid the rooster I think now) and my other Polish was attacked by a hawk and killed. :(
So this is a dilemma..if I give them a way to get away from him, they might be in danger.

I have ordered chicken saddles but this rooster is HUGE. However mating with them doesn't seem to be the issue...maybe when he grabs them to stop them, he is causing those gashes.

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