Hen with bad leg


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 15, 2014
Last night I found my hi line hybrid hen standiñg in the corner of the shed facing the wall, when she tried to walk I noticed her left leg sticking out in front of her. She has a limp as well. Any help on what to do would be great! I don't think she perched last night and she didn't lay yesterday and hasn't today.
Sorry to hear about your hen.

It could be that she just injured it, slipped a tendon or perhaps broke it. Chickens heal from breaks pretty well, though you should splint it if this is the case.

She could be egg bound. Make sure that isn't the problem by feeling her abdomen for any eggs. Egg binding can cause leg problems and can quickly lead to death.

Other problems that involve the legs include partial paralysis, which can be caused by viruses, dangerous diseases like marek's, or an injury to the spinal cord.

I've had chickens with limps from jumping far distances or arguing and they heal up in a few days.

Keep a close eye on her and make sure she is warm, eating, and drinking.

Hope she gets better soon!
OK thanks for that, really appreciate it! How should I splint it? I don't think it's partial paralyses as it is only the leg and I'm pretty sure I've had a hen with that too. Should i maybe take it to the vets??? Thanks anyway though and will keep you updated!
Taking a sick animal to the vet is always the best option, but if you can't do that, there is plenty of good information on the internet as to how to splint a chicken leg. I've never done it myself, so I wouldn't be sure.

Make sure that the vet has worked with birds before or she/he may misdiagnosis it and cause further problems.

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