Hen with eye iriritation, now has depth perception issues??


5 Years
Sep 12, 2014
Poway, CA, USA
I have 2 six month old buff Brahamas. These ladies are my first try at keeping hens. Yesterday morning all was well, when I came hope from a grocery run in the afternoon one of my girls was keeping her eye half closed, it was watering a lot and she kept scratching it. I could sees some dirt in her eye and on her face, so I irrigated it and put her down hoping that would fix it. I grabbed some mealworms to give her a treat. She pecked at them but hesitantly and not as hard as she usually does. Ever since then it seems like her depth perception is off. She wants to eat but doesn't quite get her beak close enough to the food and/or doesn't peck hard enough to get any. The area around her eye seems slightly swollen so we have been doing warm compresses and vetricyn ophthalmic gel.

Has anyone encountered this? Anything else we should do? She is no longer scratching at the eye.

Thanks in advance for your help!


This is the bad eye. Don't see any eyeworms.
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