Hen with failing legs


9 Years
Sep 24, 2013
Help! Eight year old Rhode Island Red...She is eating, seems dehydrated, very watery stools - her legs literally can't hold her up. No sign of bugs, or scale on her legs. I've separated her and fed her scrambled eggs with oregano and garlic, and put aloe vera meat in her water. Please advise! Don't want to lose her! I fear she ate something that was spoiled or pecked at a rat that my neighbors poisoned to keep their yard clear.
What is your location? If it's been very hot, your hen may be dehydrated. Once dehydration takes hold, the chicken becomes too weak to eat and drink adequate amounts to maintain strength.

I would urge you to treat for dehydration first to correct that if this is the issue. It can rule out this one thing and then we might consider what else could be wrong.

Give her one cup of water with one teaspoon sugar and a pinch of salt and baking soda as her only water supply for 24 hours. Ideally, this should be tubed into her if she is having trouble drinking and eating.

If you suspect poisoning, give her two capsules of activated charcoal twice a day for the next few days to absorb any poison in her system. But treat for dehydration also.
If you give the charcoal, it will do no harm, but you must make sure she's hydrated well, and continues to take in enough fluids. The charcoal can be constipating, so hydration is very, very important.

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