Hen with huge swollen area (tumor?} below vent area


8 Years
Mar 20, 2011

What is wrong with this hen? The lesson of my story is don't trust anyone. I contacted someone who is a member of BYC (NAME REMOVED BY STAFF--Keep private disputes private, please!) she was interested in taking my 3 baby barred cochin roosters and I was also looking to get a couple more hens. So we met at a truckstop (she was on her way back from the swap meet in Dunnelion) to exchange chickens. I looked at the hens in their cage and they looked ok But they were sitting down so I did not see their back ends and then I was busy transfering my chicks and they put their hens in my cat carriers.So I did not get to see the hens until I got home and put them in their own coop. And this is what she sold me!! I really cannot believe that someone is that desperate to make 25 dollars that they would sell them this hen.I called her and said she could keep the money just take back her 2 hens. no responce of course.. What is this and what can I do to help this hen. I did look at other posts and other people have this but noone seems to know what it is. The hen eats drinks acts normal except for this.Watch out for *Name Removed* at the florida swap meets everyone.I trusted her only because I met her on byc my mistake. It is soft and squshy and does not seem to bother her when I touch it.
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Wow, that doesn't look good at all. At least she is eating and drinking. Is it possible that she is egg-bound? Does it feel like an abscess or a cyst? It's not hard and lumpy, so it's probably not a tumor I guess.... But if she is eating and drinking normally, that is a good sign. Might be worth it to add some antibiotic to her water or feed. I'm really stumped.
I don't think she is egg bound and I put duramyacine in their water starting yesterday. I think the other hen has respiratory problems.
She is not egg bound. She has either egg yolk peritonitis and is laying internally, causing huge cheesy masses in the oviduct and abdomen, or she has a cancerous tumor. Could be lots of fluid and infection due to either of those conditions as well, called ascites, which almost always has a serious underlying cause and is chronic. I'm sorry, but there is no cure for any of that. You can take her to a vet for a hysterectomy, but it may end the same way this is going to anyway, in her demise. I'm sorry to tell you this.

The hen with the respiratory problem probably won't be fixed by any antibiotic. If she has mycoplasmosis/CRD, she will remain a carrier of the disease. I never buy started birds from anyone, not even folks I trust, because of stuff like this, but I would euthanize the hen and not allow her contact with your flock in any way, shape or form.

These threads may be helpful to you.




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I am so frustrated that this has happened.Killing a chicken is not something I can do and I knew the first night that this is where it was going to go. The 2 hens were put in a seperate coop right away I just hope it is far enough away from my regular coop. Someone who lives down the road from me and has no chickens said she would take the young one (she is around 4 months old, so they say) her gurgling noises are alot better today.
Can I ask what came of the swollen chicken? Did you ever discover what it was? J have a hen experiencing the exact same thing.

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