Hen with injured toe


May 23, 2016
Bradenton, Florida
I noticed that 1 of my hens was limping and holding up her foot 2 days ago.
After further inspection, it looks like 4 or 5 of the scales (I don't know what you call them) have been removed from her middle toe. It is a bit swollen too. But thankfully, I do not see bone or anything.
I proceeded to clean her toe and apply a triple antibiotic ointment.
I've been doing this 2x's daily since.
What should I be doing for her?
Should I wait and see if it heals on its own?
Should I be giving her an oral antibiotic?
I need some advice, PLEASE....
Seriously concerned,
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Hi and welcome to BYC I am glad you could join us I would go and keep her from jumping so if you could separate her at nights and let her out in e morning so she isn't jumping up and down on the roosts. And then I would keep it clean put the ointment and put some vetrap on around it so it stays clean and feel it to see if it isn't broken then if it's broken I would take the vetrap and rap it around it till it's hard to keep her toe straight to heal properly. Hope this helps.
Thank you ALL for all the advice.
Thankfully after a month her toe is FINALLY healed.
I did have to resort to applying antibiotic ointment n wrapping her toe with vet wrap.
Thank god she is a good hen n didn't mind being handled by my 5yr old daily for the bandage change.
Thanks again,

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