Call duck with broken toe and puncture wound: Need advice on antibiotics


5 Years
Jul 25, 2018
Montgomery, NY
Hi all,

I have a call duck with what looks like a broken toe and a puncture wound. I have her inside in a clean bed and am spraying the wound with vetrimycin and using triple antibiotic ointment. I want to give her an antibiotic orally as well. Was going to try amoxicilin in her water but it tastes horrible and I don't think she will drink enough of it. What antibiotic would be best for a puncture on a foot and what dosage? Can I give any of them in drinking water rather than having to give them to her with a tube? She is TINY and getting a tube into her to give her meds is a nightmare. She fights, gets very stressed, and is a horrible patient. On hand I have Tylan 50, amoxicillin powder, and injectable Baytril.

As always than you for your advice!! I want to make sure I give this girl what she needs.
THANK YOU! She is still going. We are on day 4 of Baytril after her toe became really warm. I have injectable and am giving her .5 mls orally twice a day. I think I was able to beat off any infection because her toe/foot is no longer warm when I check, but her toe still hurts her, which makes sense since it's broken. She's been inside for 9 days now so I can keep her from moving too much and also keep the puncture clean. She's quacking her little head off because she wants to go out to her flock. I am just hesitant to put her back out because I fear she will end up trying to move around too much.
THANK YOU! She is still going. We are on day 4 of Baytril after her toe became really warm. I have injectable and am giving her .5 mls orally twice a day. I think I was able to beat off any infection because her toe/foot is no longer warm when I check, but her toe still hurts her, which makes sense since it's broken. She's been inside for 9 days now so I can keep her from moving too much and also keep the puncture clean. She's quacking her little head off because she wants to go out to her flock. I am just hesitant to put her back out because I fear she will end up trying to move around too much.
Breaks can take a good while to heal. You could try fashioning a boot for her foot out of a cut-down pool noodle or using the neoprene ones specifically for poultry that way she could be with her flock and she would have some protection while the toe finishes healing what ever you use make sure to when you wrap with vet wrap that you go up past the ankle so she can't get it off. Good job on getting the Baytril and treating her. I'd also give her some probiotics to put back the good bacteria she has lost from the Baytril. When I use the neoprene shoes I still wrap vet wrap around the top velcro one of my hens lost her shoe out on their property and I never did find it.

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