hen with respiratory s/s


11 Years
Mar 18, 2008
st.john's mi
I read the sticky about culling chickens don't get colds.She sounds like she has a cold and has had it for at least 1.5m none of the others show any s/s that I can tell at this time.She sounds likke a child with a running nose occasional cough or sneeze or something I thought originally it was from drinking the water too fast and aspirating.She eats and runs around ok no problems.I have seperated her now and am worried about if I should cull or treat with antibiotic and return her to the flock
Everyone told me the sick bird will always carry the upper respiratory illness and contaminate the others. They said to cull and never show or sell any of my birds...
I just got them meds and got over it. My birds are pets, so why kill them?
I say medicate her if your birds are pets and not for show or profit.

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