Hen with swollen abdomen- possibly flystrike related?


7 Years
6 Years
Jul 6, 2017
So about a month ago, give or take, I went to the coop to lock them up for the night and found a hen, Dora, sitting in the nest box. That was odd, she wasn't broody, so I pushed her out and she hopped on the roost like normal. My first thought was she was egg-bound, so I felt her abdomen and it was swollen, kind of like a water balloon. So I treated her for egg binding. Long story short, it's not egg binding. I never saw her lay an egg, but egg-bound hens only live 48 hours. Its been a month and she's still acting the same, and still has a swollen abdomen about the same size.

This could be a range of several different things; ascites, cystic ovary, tumors, etc. None of which I can really effectively treat.

My possible theory: Maybe this has something to do with flystrike? During mid-summer, Dora got flystrike. It was not very bad at all, the wound was very shallow. I was able to treat her and by the end of the week she was out with the rest of the hens, being completely normal. Now, from what I've read, maggot saliva is toxic. I'm wondering if MAYBE the saliva got into her blood stream, caused liver damage and has caused fluid build up? I'm not a doctor, this could be a completely stupid theory. What do you guys think? Maybe related in another way? Or not at all?

I also want to add that she is likely going to succumb to whatever it is. Everything that it could be is internel and is not something I can effectively treat. I plan to allow her to keep living her life, but if/when she begins to really get sick I will put her out of her misery. I care for this hen (I pulled maggots out of her booty, that was a bonding experience 😅) but I have come to terms with the fact she will probably have to be killed. But I would at least like to know what I'm going to loose my hen to, if that makes sense.

Thanks for any feedback!
If you think it is ascites and don’t want to stick a needle in her, give her cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, oregano, and water mixed together every day. My hen has ascites and it has been decreasing everyday from this I don’t know if it permanent yet but I didn’t have to drain her so worth a shot. I have no idea about the flies or anything but just wanted you to know about the ascites treatment. Good luck!
If you think it is ascites and don’t want to stick a needle in her, give her cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, oregano, and water mixed together every day. My hen has ascites and it has been decreasing everyday from this I don’t know if it permanent yet but I didn’t have to drain her so worth a shot. I have no idea about the flies or anything but just wanted you to know about the ascites treatment. Good luck!

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