Hen won’t leave roost/leave coop

My older hens wouldn't let my fall chicks roost in the coop until spring and now they're doing it again to my spring chicks.Yesterday I decided to move them out of the coop and put them on one side of my run (divided by a door).Not saying you have bullies like me but I suspect your problem is not the roosting bars.
I wouldn’t mind sleeping in the nest box, but as you know, the first thing they do is poop. Then I get dirty eggs. So that’s the issue I have with that.
Are you sure you fit in the nest box. 🤣
*her sleeping 💤

Janice always slept in the same nestbox, I had one fake egg in the other nestbox. The hens all laid in that nestbox. Problem solved.

Maybe two seperate roosts where they don’t see each other (curtain) solves the problem too.
Update: it seems that she is back on the roost.
I set up some blocks in the nest box and I guess she’d rather get on the bar than sleep on the floor at this point.
I will be redoing the roosting bar though as I know they will prefer a round rod to the 2x2 they have now. Thanks for the help.

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