Hens are picking the butt feathers of another hen


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 11, 2011
Why do some hens pick at the rear-end feathers on other hens? They all have lots of high-quality food, oyster shell grit, and clean water. They also have plenty of room.
Do they have any poop hanging from their rear end feathers? This could be the cause if there is.
They also tend to do feather picking when they're bored.
No poop. No reason to be bored. Hmmm. I hope some other suggestions will come forward. Thanks very much.
Have you noticed the hen being a little different lately? Like sick or did she get hurt or anything? Sometimes they will peck on one for those reasons, or they are just being non-civil! ;) If it doesn't stop soon, there is always the pine tar route, you can get it at your local feed store, you just put a tiny dab where the chickens are pecking her, they don't like the taste or smell of it, just use a very small amount. I did that with a baby chick of mine and it worked.

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