Hens brood won’t break


In the Brooder
Mar 6, 2023
Hello all! I have had my pekin bantham since Feb. I have one little peking who’s been broody over 20 days know. I’ve tried closing the coop for a couple hours. To separating her from the flock. This morning I did this cold plunge but as soon as I let her go she ran straight back to the nest? The cold plunge was my last resort now I’m a bit stuck? Can anyone help? I keep moving her off the nest so she keeps the relationship with the flock and is eating and drinking.
I second the suggestion of a wire crate.
Make sure that it is kept off the ground, so air flows under it.
What I do is have her in her crate in the yard, so she can see the other chickens, and at night put it up on the roosts in the coop.
I let her out for a leg stretch twice a day, when I am around to make sure she doesn't go back in the nest.
After a 2 or 3 days, leave her out a bit longer, and see if she has broken; if not put her back in the crate.

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