Hens don't lay eggs


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 2, 2011
I have 6 chickens that are between 2-3 years old and I get 1 egg every few months. When they were about a year we got eggs constantly but now it's rarely. I finally got an egg from this one hen the other day and she hasn't laid in over a year. Does anybody know what could be their problem or what I could do? Thanks
I have 2 Rhode Island reds, 2 spotted Sussex and 1 bantam Americana and a wellsummer. I get 1 egg probably every 4-6 months. That seems a bit low out of 6 chickens under 3 years old.
Well the RIRs can go 3 or 4 years. It depends on the chicken. Are they or have they been sick or sickly acting? As to the other breeds I am not familiar enough to answer intelligently.
I doubt that the laying will improve, if they have not laid better than that in that amount of time.

If the hens were under a terrible stress, such as a lack of food, or health issue of another kind it might give a temporary loss of egg production, but a lack of eggs for this length of time, I don't think there would be any correcting. Chickens do lay less and less as they get older. I think yours are mostly done.

You need younger hens. I try and keep mine cycling through, some babies, some yearlings, and some older.


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