hens from rainbow collection (+ added pics)


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 20, 2008
Mountain View, CA
For my summer job I've been working at a local farm. We have a small flock of about 40+ hens. We collect about 3 dozen eggs each day. I can identify some breeds like our Rhode Island Reds, Black Australorps, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Easter eggers. The rest I have to throw my hands up in the air because I don't know my chicken breeds. The farm is also raising up a group of about 50 pullets that were sold as as "Rainbow Layers". This is supposed to include a variety of breeds. I'm guessing they're pretty common breeds. Here are some pics I took this week. Sorry the pictures aren't so good. Help me out and identify them for me. I have a couple of ideas after looking at the hatchery's catalog, but this newbie would appreciate a little help from some more knowledgeable people. thanks in advance!

Pic 1: This is from our egg-laying flock.

Pic 2: It's hard to see but this pullet has feathery legs.

Pic 3:

Pic 4:

Pic 5:
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#1 Partridge rock
#2 Light Brahma
#3 Columbian Wyandotte
#4 white rock or leghorn
#5 silver spangled hamburgs

Good looking birds
Thanks for the quick replies. I appreciate the help.

Here are some random photos that didn't make the first cut. They might show the birds at different angles. Anyways, it was hard to take photos of these moving creatures.







Okay, not a chicken, but a bird that might not make it to December.

thanks for all the input.
What are those dark ones, dark cornish? Would they send them in the rainbow layer collection or did you order some because they are so tasty?
I have no idea what the dark ones are. All the birds in that pen except for the 2 turkeys were from the "rainbow layers". I would have asked for help id'ing the darker birds but I couldn't get good pics of those.
We totally got the same order. I also ordered the rainbow collection (from MM). I know that the black hens with the red chests are Blacks Stars and I *think* the solid black ones with the bluish tint are Jersey Giants. I'm going with the theory that our white ones with the black streaks on their necks are Columbian Wyandottes. Did you get a bunch of black and white speckley looking ones. I haven't figured them out yet.

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