Hens have ALL stopped laying

Same food as always (laying pellets and table scraps...left-over vegetables, peelings, etc.)

Actually, it's been raining a great deal, and just stopped recently, so, yes, it is hotter all of a sudden...of course, I'm very careful to make sure their water source never goes dry, and their coop is attached to their pen (about 10' X 30'), plus, I've set up a few "shade spots" in the pen itself, so they can always get out of the sun.
It just got good and hot here and mine have been off a little. But have not stopped completly. They seem to be back to laying now. Maybe they will be ok in a few days?
i have 3 leghorn and a roo in a coup and pen and all of a sudden no eggs and then the snake ate 2 ceramic eggs and a golf ball and now im getting egss again
I was worried about snakes too. My girls have really slowed down. I have changed food a bit and I have a couple more who have gone broody and it has recently gotten hot so I am chalking it off to all of the above.

As an aside, potatoe peels are not good for chickens just in case you may be feeding those. Much better in the compost pile with the litter from your coop.
How old are they? Our 7 of our 8 production Sex Links were egg machines during their first year, then began trailing off (2.5yr.) We are getting one/two eggs a day. No change in feed: Half Layena/half Game Bird Flight Conditioner + meal worms and what they find when we're here to free range `em - I can hear them complaining to get out, over the baby monitor, right now.
If they only recently started to lay and then dropped to zero (external stress/disease?).

Good Luck!
Things that come to mind: Are they too hot? Molting? Any chance you've got an egg eater? Maybe a predator getting the eggs? How about illness?

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